
International Board of Advisers


Master Yichen

Zen & Taoist adviser based in Sichuan, the author of modern classics including "Direct Pointing on Samadhi", "Reinterpreting Dao Dejing from Master Han Shan",etc.

中国释性一法师 (浙江省佛教协会教务长)

Abbot Shi Xingyi

Hangzhou, Dean of Buddhists Council of Zhejiang Province.

美国赵跃辰居士 (《越尘集》、《花出青嶂》作者,闽南佛学院、西园戒幢佛学院禅修导师)

Master Yuechen

meditation adviser at South Fujian Buddhism College, Zuzhou Xiyuan Buddhism College, author of modern classic of "Blue Cliff Blossom",etc.

美国释素中法师 (美国弥勒学院创办人,云门、曹洞禅法传人、教授中观、唯识多年)

Abbot Shi Suzhong

Zen Master of Yunmen & Soto lineage, teacher on the schools of Middle Way & Conscious-only, Director of Maitreya Meditation Institute http://www.mbitree.net/.

美国Dr.Michael Hall(纽约资深心理治疗师,西方禅宗一代宗师、《禅门三柱》作者Kapleau的心子之一)

Dr.Michael Hall

NY,a master Zen psychotherapist & teacher. www.waybeyondpsychotherapy.com

美国Loch Kelly (纽约资深心理咨询师,西方大圆满禅修指导师,师从 乌金仁波切多年,任国际顶级禅修导师明就仁波 切、阿迪亚香提等助教多年。) www.lochkelly.org

Loch Kelly

NYC, well-known therapist & teacher in the New-Dzogchen & Advaida tradition. www.lochkelly.org

美国Margot Ridler(西方著名心灵导师,曾任海灵格家排疗法加州团队负责人多年)

Margot Ridler

NY, well-known non-dual Constellation therapist & teacher. http://www.thegreatestlieeverbelieved.com